I breath for free, I walk the Earth for free, I talk for free and laugh for free. I give my advice in posts and videos for free because I was born this way. And I want to be doing all of those things. I am not selling what I got by sheer virtue of being born!!!!!
But I do sell my services and coaching if you want to learn something that I offer. This is my work and if you like it, if you see yourself having something like what I have, I am ready to have that conversations with you.
What do I offer??? INNER FREEDOM which I believe is the most important thing in this world. There is no fun being tortured by your own emotions, feeling scared, doubting yourself all the time and suffer from anxiety.
I remember when I used to work at my 9 to 5 job and in the morning when I woke up, immediately I felt that nod in my stomach, muscles contracted in my whole body and my head spinning with question “how will I be able to get done everything what’s in front of me today?”
I drove to work feeling scared that I could loose my job. But not because of bad economy or re-organisation but because I DID NOT FEEL GOOD ENOUGH. With two Master degrees, years of experiences I still doubted myself. The smallest things could throw me off the track and send me into the dark hole of insecurities…..
Can you relate? Do you feel the same? How long are you willing to tolerate that for yourself?
Today, I am waking up with a warm feeling inside, taking the time to get ready for my day. I am starting my days with yoga and coffee around friends….. and STILL, I know I will get everything what I need done.
If you are ready to have an honest conversation about HOW YOU TRULY ARE DOING, let me know. I am here for you
Love, Andrea