Life can get tough sometimes.
Things happen and yo udo not want to look at them at all.
You wake up with a node in your stomach already obsessing about the things which are not working in your life and which you are desperately trying to solve.
That is ME these days.
How can I be saying this to you when my life is supposed to be great all the time?????
My business is supposed to be up and running!!!!!
And it’s not.
And this is the whole TRUTH.
It feels like I have nothing nice to share with anyone.
I have no advice for anyone which I would love to share.
I do not even feel like talking with anyone……
There is one reason why I am telling you that.
Even if you feel at your worst, YOU ARE WORTHY and this is all what counts.
So there are 2 things which you can take away from this:
- I am worthy no matter what my thoughts or feelings are AND I do not need to stop doing what I am doing – in my case it’s coaching, because I LOVE coaching and I know I can help my clients even when I am at my shittiest point in life. How come? Because I am a coach with my soul, mind and body and when I am faced with a client I can potentially help, I do it and it rejuvenates me completely. When I help someone, there is no better medicine my self-pitted mind 😉
- Even when at my “shittiest” moment right now, it’s still not my “shittiest” which was even couple of months ago. What does it tell me? I did a huge progress from what I consider shitty now to what I thought was shitty 3 months ago. Noticing the development in myself is a WIN!
If you can become someone who sees a WIN – WIN situation in everything, YOU’LL GET YOUR WORTHINESS!
And I almost did not post this story since I thought “Who wants to hear about me feeling not successful?” And that would make me a selfish person who is not teaching others the real deal but some fluffy good feeling stories only.
I hope you can forgive me for being scared and not willing to be vulnerable with you because I know, it can make a difference.
Let me know what it did for you
xoxo Andrea