I am sitting here and all is burning inside. I do not know how I came to this place but I am here. I cannot get out of there. I am not free to move. I am stuck and paralysed by fear and anxiety. ???
Now, when I started working with that more closely in my business fear and anxiety tend to appear more often. I do not want them. I do not need them. I hate them. I hate that sucking place where everything is gloom a doom.
But it’s all coming out, now. There is no more hiding as I did before. When running my own business, all my own shit comes out. And it’s not pretty.
I am sick from my stomach, I want to throw up or get rid of I. But I can’t. I am not able. I am up till my ears stuck in this. Not knowing what to do, totally overwhelmed. The worst anxiety attack in years……
So what do I do? I’ll just be. I am going to JUST BE FOR A MOMENT and then I’ll continue……………………………..
?I do allow my emotions to come up and BE as they are (horribly uncomfortable phase)
?I BREATH (I noticed, my breathing is shallow and no air is coming into my belly)
?I allow the emotion to DISOLVE in the present moment.
I am grateful it’s over. All I did was to give myself the PRIORITY OVER EVERYTHING else.
There were emails to respond to, calls to get back to, campaigns to run, clients to address………
What is it all worth if your most valuable and precious SELF is not taken care off?
I did talk to myself like I would to a little child. I asked myself what is it, what’s wrong without shame or blame. I hugged myself and named the emotion. I soothed myself and took the precious time (which I usually do not have) and spent it on ME.
Because that’s one thing I’ve learnt. There is no victory in loosing yourself in the process.
I am still battling the entrepreneurial-ship and going through the lows and highs and gaining more and more FREEDOM while releasing all stuck emotions which lurk underneath the surface to sabotage my success.
But here is the thing, my business only grows as much as I allow myself to grow too.
I measure success by how happy and satisfied I feel and right now, I feel like 1 million bucks.
Today, I feel brave because I am taking on dealing with my own limits which I’ve never done before. I am unstoppable since I do not give up, I keep going and I will be doing what I do to better help others who look for the same. REAL FREEDOM, no matter where you are.
If you are a fellow entrepreneur, I want to congratulate you on taking on this journey. You are a super hero and a success already!!!???
If you are ready to get out of the business overwhelm, to have more time to do what you love or spend it with whom you love, let’s chat.
With Love, Andrea xoxo