Because I am 😉

More than anything else, I realised that what I do most often and what brings me most joy is actually dreaming.

Kind of Day Dreaming which is a mixture of imagination and free flow of the creative juices inside of me.

It’s my best skill, talent and asset since Dreamers can realise their dreams only. Not those who do not have any dreams!!!!

I can Day Dream till tears start falling down my cheeks because I can get so moved by my own imagination. My creation is beautiful and full of life.

It can touch me on so many different levels. And it always has. As a child I use to eat books for breakfast. I know, many children do.

But as adults, we tend to forget and give up our greatest assets in honor of logic, rationalisations and “being grown ups”.

I used do that sometimes as well but it did not work out for me well. As a lawyer and corporate business adviser how could I ever show my true self to the world?

I had to follow my dream and create my own job out of what I really want – therefore I became a Life Style Coach so others can realise their dreams too.

I am not saying it to sound good or like an old cliché “follow your dreams”. I am saying start dreaming again!!!!

I know deep down inside of you there is this little girl or boy who used to dream like mad all the time. Creating magnificent stories and characters like it was real.

What happened to them????

It’s time friends to release them out, let them play and dream and help you have an epic life.

Dreamaginations which I am creating for my tribe are just like that. Little pieces of Day Dreaming. To get you back there where you started as that little child.

You want to connect to that dreaming part of yours again? Just do it.

Ask yourself what if that was true? What if this could happen this way??

And then you create yourself as the hero you are. The hero of your own story.

xoxo Andrea
