Have you ever asked yourself what’s the way to best serve your clients?
You might not have your own business but you might work in your day job with clients, or with colleagues who require your help for their work to be completed.
The truth is that everyone works for someone. If there is someone paying you the money then they are your client.
To support your clients in the best possible way you might want to adapt an attitude of service to all.
Not only to the people who pay for your work.
Because service is love. And Love is service.
Unconditional. Energy. Flow.
No obstructions, no definitions as to where your service limitations are.
Would you want to put limits to how much love you can receive or give?
Would you want to put a cap on the amount of money you want to welcome into your pocket?
So why put limitations to what you can do for others???
This is a very challenging topic for myself and with full transparency I do not think I am an expert on it nor have I come any close to mastering it.
But it’s not about being a master.
It’s not about being a guru of sorts and proclaim ideals which are unattainable.
For me, this blog is about humility in actually saying “I don’t know if I can do it.”
“I don’t know if I am strong enough or patient enough to learn to improve”.
But how does it relate to you? Why would you read this and think about it?
Well, we all have our Achilles heel which does not seem to improve or stays the same way no matter what you do.
It’s about staying humble in knowing I am a human too.
I am not perfect nor I ever will.
Every day I am working on myself but I feel weak, particularly on days like today.
And then I know there is a higher power which will grant me the strength and bravery to ocntinue on my journey.
To keep believing even when I do not believe anymore.
To keep fighting for what is right even though the battle seems lost.
To keep on giving love even though it seems nobody wants it.
To keep on sharing your gifts even though you don’t seem to help anyone with them.
To keep on doing what you doing with the trust that it all makes sense.
Without expecting anything in return.
For that is the definition of UNCONDITIONALLY.
Deetaching from the outcome.
Doing it anyway. Without a promise of a reward. Completed task or receiving acknowledgment.
But for the pure joy of living.
Love you all,