If you are not moving in life because of fear, low self-confidence or insecurities, than you might just easily belong to those millions of women who suffer the same.
I was probably born with inherent fears and self-doubt. I remember a specific moment in my life when as a little child I was faced with a situation where because I broke a piece of glass I was so afraid to tell my parents that I encountered such massive fear which I swore to myself, I will never feel again. Ever!
My whole body felt exposed to the bone and feeling such tremendous fear from consequences I could not make myself to tell the truth. That it was me who broke the glass.
Since then I’ve been hiding the truth from everyone.
Not able to speak up for myself, to negotiate my salary, to say what I want in a relationship …..
And this is hard.
I am a badass lawyer (or at least I was) and I couldn’t say no to my boss when the work was killing me.
I felt uncapable. I felt weak.
So I put on a mask of a woman who has it all together.
But I did not have it together.
I suffered inside, in silence and when going to bed I only wished I had someone next to me who could hold me a cares me to sleep.
I was ashamed that I was alone, always pilling up more and more work in front of me.
More activities, engagements, obligations……. just to pretend I have no time for a man!
Until…………….. I just decided that I have enough of that bull shit!
I made a choice to strengthen and build my confidence so I can actually build the dream life I want.
So I started with building my business and you know what?
It’s fucking difficult!!!!!
It’s nothing glamorous and fancy as you might see on Facebook.
It’s hard work, but so is building my confidence.
Because with confidence I can finally feel free.
No matter what everyone else things.No matter what everyone wants from me.
The secret: Tell it how it is and let people deal with their own shit. Don’t take it over to your side (inside your heart) and call it a BS if it is one. You are only responsible for your own crap, not for everyone else’s.
I hope this helps.
With love, Andrea