Ever wondered why is it so difficult to change your attitude or your mood in certain situations?
Imagine your day going by with a sort of ok feeling, progressively getting worst through out the day, a little annoyance here and there. Finishing the day exhausted and purely glad that it’s over.
Not a pleasurable idea, right?
Getting by, surviving and floating by your life does not sound like a purposeful life.
Want to know how to interrupt that pattern?
Listen closely. It’s simple but not easy!
You can start with 1 kind act for others. Choose it right now.
What could you do for others in this very moment?
Is there a friend you did not talk to for a while?
Is there an elderly neighbour in need of some company?
Could you spend 30 minutes talking and listening to your child when they come back from school today?
All those little things, when acted out of your heart without any agenda has the power to create a new reality for you.
Try it now!
If you have any objections because you are saying to yourself “I do not have the time for this” trust me. You are kidding yourself and you are saying that because you have not tried yet.
Do you think you have time to go about your life with being grumpy, annoyed, stressed out and overwhelmed?
It’s not serving you.
Why not try something different then.
It’s all about changing your perspective.
As I am too, walking my talk, I did one act of kindness without planning it or expecting anything in return.
I washed dishes for a member of my family who is not able to use their left arm after shoulder surgery. Just because it popped into my head when I was there, drinking coffee and my eyes landed on the pile of dirty dishes in their sink.
Boy, did it feel good. And as a result a completely new relationship has been established between us. One of more trust, relatedness and support.
What kind of relationships do you want to have with your closest ones?
Love you all, Andrea

Hi Andrea, what a great post with a big message. I completely agree with wit you. Doing little things or doing them differently may have a huge impact on our mental state. Thanks a lot.
Best wishes