So this might sound crazy and it’s kinda embarrassing to share but my sex drive has somewhat disappeared in the last 6 months since I was totally and brutally focused on growing my business.
BUT it came back at the most peculiar circumstances.
I had a revelation, when I understood that not having enough money (what I would occasionally have said about my self) does not equal being poor.
Not having money actually means that….. here it comes……wait for it……. I AM AN INVESTOR!
For real! I started counting. All my earnings are split between different portfolio items.
Namely, I am paying off my mortgage, so I have my wealth tight in property.
Another part is invested in financial markets and only recently I became a cryptocurrency investor and trader.
All of that means that for sure, there is not much money to spend on anything else, but it does not make me a poor person.
The sudden shift in my perspective had me go wild and smiling like a lunatic.
And…. I got my sex drive back since the shift had me abandone the idea that I am a poor person just because I am not investing into food and drinks (going out with friends and spend money on meals, drinks and cloths) but investing into my future.
From being a poor person to an investor with multiple streams of investments (and yes, multiple streams of incomes as well) was a mind shift.
It did not require me to win a million dollars nor to sell out my services, completely.
The first signs that something has shifted came right along:
- I got my sex mo-jo back!!!! Hah, and I am so excited I do not want to hide it 😉
- I stopped blaming myself for being poor or unsuccessful
- I started looking at myself as a successful investor who’s money is tight in financial tool rather than seeing the zero at the end of the month
Nothings else is required.
Changes are immediate.
With that profound realisation I was able to create the money I needed for my next trip to California!
And I totally thought that’s not going to happen for me….
Did I receive any money? Nope.
I changed my perspective and suddenly the means were there, right in front of my eyes where I could not see them before.
Now my question for you is: ARE YOU READY TO BECOME AN INVESTOR?
Hell yeah! Start by joining us at the ZONE event where all investors (investing into themselves) are gathered to learn best strategies to kick off the business.
I’ll see you there!
With Love, Andrea