For very long time I was looking for a cure to everything which was bugging me in life.
I tried yoga, meditation, mindfulness all good stuff.
But the biggest breakthrough came when I uncovered the number 1 thing which was missing.
Don’t take me wrong, I always believed that I was a loving, kind and generous person.
I did not judge myself too harsh in those areas. It never occurred to me that it can be better.
Only after I’ve tried everything. Literally.
And it was the simplest, yet the most powerful magic that exists on this planet.
Magic called LOVE.
So many times before I found myself thinking I can’t do that. I am not strong enough. I do not have what it takes to love someone.
There were people who challenge the heck out of me.
Thus, I believed it is as good as it gets.
Until life brought me (better said pushed me) to the very edge of my own abilities.
just to show me that I AM CAPABLE of more.
That if I choose so, I will bring love to places where I thought it’s not possible.
And things started moving.
In all my relationships. My love partnership. My money.
And that’s all available to you too.
Feeling stuck? Let me help you to find out what are the 3 top things you need to put into place for your life to start moving into the direction YOU WANT IT.
Get a slot on my calendar and let’s talk!
Love you, Andrea