I never believed that it truly does exist!
Sort of I was always thinking that successful people only talk about that just to look a bit humble or down to earth.
Like they want to persuade us that they are not that perfect as they appear to be but they graciously come down to Earth to see us mortals and that’s the way how to relate to us.
LoL. Funny, right?
But it’s not since it really exists and it might be that hidden culprit which sabotages your efforts too.
Just hear me out. Because it shocked me totally, and you might understand why.
I came very close up to feeling my own success, standing right at the edge, looking at it, feeling it, smelling it and then it was taken away from me.
Like, it’s not happening gal, you are not ready for that. It’s a too big step for you, little girl!
And in total honestly, that feeling was right.
I was not ready to jump fully, not just yet. I wanted to hold on onto my safety net. Still play small and secure.
What I am talking about is putting down the money deposit for my new yoga studio, signing the lease or actually giving a chance to my guy who I am dating.
Because what if it works out?!?!?!?!?
What if I am stuck with the studio for many years not being able to travel as much as I am used to do?
What if I don’t make the money to pay the rent and it all goes downhill for me as an entrepreneur?
What if my guy wants me and I end up with him for long term?
Yayks! All scary things which I said before I want but now when they’re becoming real I am getting second thoughts BECAUSE I AM NOT SURE IF I CAN TRUST MYSELF.
Wow! This realisation hit me like a brick wall.
And it’s all the same. The same fear of getting what I want and then not knowing what I’ll do if something bad happens.
Out of there, I become aware that no matter what, I will be able to deal with that. Because I always do find solutions to anything in my life.
Do you solve all your problems in life too?
Yes! You have problem solved your way out of ANY situation. If yo haven’t noticed that by any chance then just look back and find the evidence in your past.
If you are alive, then you have managed your life perfectly!
And what is your next step? To go through with it anyways.
Despite the fear, despite your self-doubts and worries.
How does it look like?
Signing that lease, putting down the deposit, telling the guy you really like him.
That’s how you break through your own limitations!
Love you, Andrea
PS: want to know the top 3 things to implement into your life to courageously change your biggest suffering into greatest gifts? Let’s chat. Book a call with me below.