I have a suspicion. We all know that there is more to life than what we see.
That there is more to life to experience than you do and that you can have more that just what you have right now.
You just got complaisant about it.
Resentful and maybe stoic.
Saying stuff like “Life is hard” or “this is how life is” and then you quit.
Quit trying.
Quit dreaming.
Quit wanting things or change.
Because it’s become too painful.
I had that too. I stopped doing fun stuff because I did not see it leading anywhere.
I stopped seeing friends because I lost the energy for why I should do things.
I used to organise meetings, parties, events because I felt exhausted and dragged down.
Can you relate? Do you sometimes feel like there is not enough hours for sleep in the night? And that the weekend is never coming soon enough and when it’s finally there, all you want is to rest. But the rest is never coming because there is again Monday coming way too soon!
It feels exhausting and like stuck in a never ending loop of more of the same.
The energy is stagnant because there is no relies.
Energy needs to flow. It needs to come in but go out as well.
I am not giving you a quick fix here for it but there are ways how to make your energy move.
My favourite way of how to get into flow again is yoga 😉
Running helps a great way too. You can literally move your body in dance and let go of all the unwanted energies and create ecstasy.
It might feel completely contra-intuitive since all you want is rest but remember, the tiredness is only in your mind.
Your body is usually not exhausted since you not doing a lot of physical activity, right?
So it must be in your attitude.
If more energy and zest for life is something you want more of, let me know.
Click on the button below and we get you set up for days full of energy and excitement.
Love you all, Andrea