We all want something.
We do have our dreams and desires.
And those dreams are unique and personal.
Because you have created them in your mind.
They belong to you and are your creation.
It is very natural for us, humans, to dream of better life than we currently have.
Those desires are build automatically.
As soon as something happens in life, we create a better version of it, or a completely new scenario where that thing never happens again.
Anyways, it’s an upgraded version of your reality.
Which is the very first step to creating.
BANG! there it goes and it is created. But cannot see it yet because your reality has not changed.
Are you curious as to how to manifest that which you want in real life?
Today, I want to offer you a crucial step in the manifesting process.
You might have heard of it but never really applied to your circumstances.
It is called gratitude. And my job is to convince you that gratitude equals abundance.
You already know that what you give away (what is your output energetically), you’ll attract the like of it.
Let’s say that a complain has a negative charge (because nobody likes complaints) and therefore when you complain you emit negative charge (thoughts, energy, vibes).
So what’s likely to come back to you is a negative response…….
Hmmmm, you knew that right?
So let’s take the example of gratitude which definitely has a positive charge in it. Simply said, when you are happy you cannot do wrong (or bad or negative acts).
And that positive output will attract positive re-action back at ya!
Makes sense?
So why not get more appreciative and grateful for what you already have in your life?
You have so much to be grateful for, just look around yourself.
The clean air you breath, the sun over your head, the blue sky without a cloud. You for sure have gone through education since you can read this post, you have internet because you can go online and be here and you have an electronic device (mobile, laptop, tablet) to read this post on.
So many things to be grateful for.
At least you can see with your eyes which means that your sight is working.
You are alive today which not many people can say the same.
There are those who would like to be among the living but are not any longer.
Be grateful.
You are blessed with many lessons and trials, be thankful for them because you can always learn the lessons you need.
Don’t be spoilt and entitled to complain that you should have more than you have. That’s ungrateful.
And it doesn’t express the love of life which you truly feel.
There is one powerful question you can ask yourself if you are feeling unhappy, unsatisfied or unloved.
What could be a spoilt brat like me be grateful for today???
And then appreciate the heck out of the smallest things you come up with.
With Love, Andrea